Friday, June 29, 2007

Country's ideals are mixed up

We are a country with our ideals and priorities severely mixed up. We love having things both ways, even though it doesn’t make any sense to do so. We want to have issues go in both directions for issues like abortion, same-sex marriage and etc. and it just doesn’t work.

We have a man charged with a double homicide for killing a pregnant woman, but people who are pro-choice don’t seem to think that the baby is “alive”. That doesn’t seem to make sense to me. If killing them with a gun is murder why isn’t killing them in an office, at the exact same point in life, or development, whatever you want to call it. Kevorkian was jailed for aiding in the suicide of a man in his office, and that was willing! Why aren’t abortionists jailed?

We have people who use the term “law-abiding” to refer to people who are breaking the law just to be here! “Law-abiding illegal immigrants” How does that even come close to making sense? You can’t have someone who breaks the law to come here, be “law abiding”. We say that by opposing these peoples entry, we are “putting money over someone’s life”. But what about our own citizens who are in poverty and starving? And imagine what we could do for those people who want to come here, if we had back the 20 Billion dollars that it costs to have them here. And that number was from a year or two ago, and has surely risen since then. We could with that money send aid to those who need it, in our country and outside.

We have people trying to pass a redundant hate-crime law, while those who were killed on Juneteenth go unnoticed. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m against violence against anyone. But all this hate-crime is going to do is absolutely nothing. It’s not as if it was legal to act out violence against homosexuals to begin with! In fact, with this law, it would be possible to crack down on peaceful anti-homosexual protesters. Now I do know that of course not all protesters are peaceful, but when those who are peaceful are called bigots and homophobes and what have you, that doesn’t sit well with me. And now we offer a path through which to have them arrested, for “hate-crimes.”

Juneteenth, while it had the making of an African American holiday that would’ve been totally acceptable, has turned way from that. It’s become a violent holiday where consistently people are beaten and killed because of the color of their skin. Shouldn’t African Americans especially, who had some of the worst racism and hatred put against them be opposed to this?

We live in a democracy where the majority doesn’t rule. Now please don’t misinterpret what I’m saying. I’m not a white-supremacist right wing neo-nazi. My point is that organizations like the ACLU protect everyone BUT the majority. We live in a country where the minorities are protected with sword and shield, but when the exact same fire is turned upon anyone in the “white Christian majority” the organizations are suspiciously absent. I don’t think that whites or Christians should get any more protection than anyone else, but equality would be nice.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The General Passivity of the Church, and Intro to blog

Welcome to this new blog. The purpose of this blog is to express view points on many hot-button issues. In the political and religious worlds. To give resources and tactics for arguments relating to the viewpoints expressed. Topics such as Homosexuality, Same-sex marriage, Illegal Immigration, Abortion, and Evolution. Amoung many others. Thank you for reading, allow me to begin.

I decided to begin with a post about the Christian church. It seems to me that as a whole, the church has become too passive. Many churches don't even know what they believe regarding important issues. I'm willing to wager that if you want up to a random 10 people at most churches, most of them would not know what their churches view point is on any issue. Because often pastors, preachers, priests, what ever you want to call them, don't want to step on any toes. They are content to give you basic sermons about nothing in particular.
Many times when we do find pastors who are not afraid to step on toes, these churchs are some of the most lively and motivated. They are excited to come to church. Because sometimes thats what you need. Sometimes the pastor really does need to preach out and say "this is wrong". Even, (and perhaps especially) when it is not a really big issue. It doesn't have to be homosexuality. It doesn't have to be abortion. What people need is sermons that relate to them. I want a preacher to talk about issues that pertain to me.
Issues like swearing, greed, fighting, things people deal with everyday. It helps people when someone says "you know, we should be setting a better example." We need to come out and convict people. Because then they get motivated, and they (in my expiriance with people) often remark how good the sermon is. It is important to make sure people know what right and wrong is.

And regarding big issues like homosexuality and abortion. The church as a whole is WAY to quiet about those issues. Mostly because they don't want to offend. Churches are buying into a culture of tolerance. Many times people have opinions with short roots, that anyone whose knowledge is that of a high school student can seriously harm. I want people to know what the church says about certain issues. And, I think it's better to offend than to be silent.